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PostPosted: Tue 18:55, 24 May 2011    Post subject: christian louboutin shoes Ultrasonic device to eli

Ultrasonic devices to eliminate dripping of air-conditioning

Sensors on the large glass container, to simulate a closed air-conditioned environment, and then test the entire system operation. Test data as follows: Table 1 specified temperature / humidity and the frequency corresponding to Table 15 ℃ 20 ℃ 25 ℃ 30 ℃ 35 ℃ 17633266821804680337664136834755532459l12419494O6257596O316902742473557657362l9032425235580o a 55 - Volume 26 No. 3 September 2005 Journal of Refrigeration JournalofRefrigerationVo1.26, Ⅳ 0.3sept. 2005 through a series of (from l5cc to 35oC) of the test, you can get specific humidity,christian louboutin shoes, temperature and sensor output corresponding relationship between the frequency values, these values ​​and polynomial curve fitting operation. Then after polynomial curve fitting operation, the corresponding relationship can be approximated by the value of any node and to determine the sensor output frequency corresponding to the humidity,ed hardy danmark, and on this basis to achieve the control and regulation of indoor humidity. 3.3.1 Determining the number of fitting polynomial model is too low to obtain the order of polynomial fitting on the rough; Order is too high, the effect is not a good fit,fred perry outlet, will also be included in the data noise model. Judgement basis: If the estimated amount of parameters and their degree of freedom similar to the order of can be considered appropriate. Finally get Y amount of fourth order with the closest degree of freedom. Taking into account the higher order equation in the MCU in the computing, real-time poor, and found that after comparing the images of fourth order and third-order are very close,abercrombie outlet, so take reduction treatment, the use of third-order polynomial fitting. 3.3.2 third order polynomial equations to determine the order of the data collection point polynomial fitting, the fitting equation can be obtained (at 15 ℃ for example): 15% of the equation: Y = 1170.15963- 64.24365X +1.03684 X a 0.000015X (Y value for the humidity sensor output frequency, X for the humidity) Similarly available 20cc, 25cc, 30cc, 35cc corresponding polynomial equation. Figure 4 shows the temperature based on different data collection points arising from polynomial fitting curve, respectively, reflecting their temperature and humidity / frequency corresponding value. As the actual operation is based on the frequency of the output value of humidity sensor humidity demand, so take the above polynomial equation of order 3, find the equation of X relative to Y, and then create a data table, as the humidity control of the reference data. N ,6000-5000 ~ 4000300020001000O. , R ∥ Chao;; of the two. - A 33435375-- Bu a 20 ℃ 15 ℃ for a 25 ℃ -80 ℃ - {j5 Figure 4 Temperature / Humidity frequency cubic curve fitting Figure 97 Humidity (%) 4 Conclusion This new device to eliminate air conditioning drip, can better water dripping from air-conditioning industry to resolve the current problems, is extremely targeted and universal in the industry. (1) MCU control technology combined with the spray of water can lower the cost of the air conditioning functions are improved, while at the curb the problem, you can also clean the air, increase the indoor humidity and many other features, and low energy consumption , no noise, no pollution, small size, long life, fast response, with a broad business outlook. (2) After experimental verification, are third order polynomial equation, and the actual control process to obtain good results. References 1 Han Tak. Air-conditioning drip cup atomizer Development. HVAC, 1999 (1): 39 ~ 4J02 Cai Xiaofeng, Victoria G. Piezoelectric ultrasonic atomizer transducer development. Foshan Ceramics, 1994 (4): 18 ~ 203 JIANG De-star. Ultrasonic atomizing transducer research. Jiangsu Ceramics, 1998 (1): 13 ~ 144 Zhang Yong. Proficient MATIAt ~. 5th ed. Beijing Aeronautics and Astronautics Press, Beijing, 2003,polo fred perry, / *; 4 a I. Flute Breaking} -, -1 Expert Advisory Committee (enlarged) meeting held in Beijing on August l6 2OO5, China Refrigeration Institute Expert Advisory Committee (enlarged) meeting was held at the Association meeting room. From 21 experts across the country attended the meeting. Deputy Secretary-General of Chinese Association of Refrigeration Qiu Zhongyue informed participants learn to work thinking, and introduces the recent work of Institute. The experts discussed the China Refrigeration and Air Conditioning 2OO5 Annual Meeting of the theme, the theme of the Conference Report, Session key questions and the corresponding report to determine other issues. Finally. Experts on the Chinese Association of Refrigeration in the future conduct of academic activities suggested. A 56 -


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