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Posted: Tue 17:29, 24 May 2011 Post subject: christian louboutin københavn Wireless MAN OFDM sy | |
Wireless MAN OFDM system channel estimation algorithm
Real-time, fast requirements, thus limiting their practical application; GongYi et al proposed a low cost of MIM () channel estimation method],christian louboutin københavn, this method take into account the implementation complexity and estimation performance, but it is based on the use of two transmit antenna system proposed by the multiple transmit antennas are not suitable for the system; the literature [10] used decision directed space-time coding method and minimum mean square error estimation method for joint channel estimation. It can be seen, these algorithms are considered the characteristics of MIMO-OFDM based on pilot in the ordinary channel estimation algorithm for the enhancement. 5 Conclusion In many channel estimation algorithm, based on pilot channel estimation algorithm is more effective. IEEE802.16a wireless MAN standard based on the common channel estimation algorithm are analyzed and compared, indicating that the LS / MMSE / IMMSE / SVD four algorithms performance difference, which IMMSE algorithm mean square error and bit error rate the best performance, and relatively low computational complexity and easy physical implementation. 【Reference】 r1] IEEEStd. 802.16-2001, IEEEStd802.16TM a 2003, IEEEstandardforlocalandmetropolitanareanetworkspart16: airinterfaceforfixedbroadbandwirelessaccesssystems [S]. USAPublishedbytheInstituteofElectricalandElectronicsEngineers, 2001. [2] Jin Ning, Jin Xiaoping, Shi Jigang. The OFDM system IEEE802.11a frame detection [J]. College of Science, 2005,16 (4) :275-278. [3] BEEKJJ, EDFORSO, SANDEIIM, eta1. OnchannelestimationinOFDMsystems, inproc [c] ∥ IEEE45VTC. Is. I]: IEEE ,1995:815-819. [4] Wang Yumin. OFDM and application of key technologies [M]. Beijing: Mechanical Industry Press ,2007:107-109. [5] ATHAUDAGECRN,ed hardy danmark, JAYALATHADS. EnhancedMMSEchannelestimationusingtimingerrorstatisticsforwirelessOFDMsystems. Broadcasting [J]. IEEETransac-tions, 2004,louboutin københavn,50 (4) :369-376. [6] Zhang Jidong, ZHENG Bao-yu. Pilot-based channel estimation in OFDM and its research progress [J]. Communications, 2003,24 (11) :117-125. r7] GoNGY, IETAIEFKB. IOWrankchannelestimationforspace-timecodedwidebandOFDMsystems [C ~ iiIEEEVTC'O1. AtlanticCity: IEEE ,2001:772-776. r8] IIY,fred perry pas cher, SESHADRIN, ARIYISITAKUIS. Channeles-timationforOFDMsystemswithtransmitterdiversityinmobilewirelesschannels [J]. IEEEJSelectAreasCorn-mun, l999, l7 (3) :461-471. [9] GONGY, LETAIEFKB. Lowcomplexitychannelestima-tionforspace-timecodedwidebandOFDMsystems [J]. 1EEETransonWidessCommun, 2003,2 (9) :876-882. [1o] Chai Guan Hua, Yun Xu, Zhang Dongmei. MIMO ~ OFDM wireless transmission system channel estimation [J]. PLA University of Science (Natural Science), 2005,ed hardy,6 (4) :307-311. 相关的主题文章: christian louboutin københavn T10 steel ball of rapid anneal fred perry outlet Technological innovation can fun christian louboutin ZENITAR16 mm F2.8 Fisheye with |