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PostPosted: Mon 13:54, 23 May 2011    Post subject: Coach Sunglasses Outlet Online Best Haiti Relief C

Water Missions International -Raising funds so they can directly provide safe water to earthquake survivors. Has full-time staff on the ground in Port-au-Prince and are poised to respond as quickly as possible to the survivors of the quake.
Additional 4 Star Disaster Relief Charities
And here are several 4 star charities active in Haiti generally: Hope for Haiti, Hope for Haiti Children's Center,Coach Sunglasses Outlet Online,A Sustainable Backyard – Hamilton Gardens, NZ A Productive Urban Garden Demonstration of Permaculture Principles, International Orthodox Christian Charities and Haitian Health Foundation.
Among others, Churches of Christ Disaster Relief Effort , and Gifts in Kind International are only ranked with 2 stars.
“Crisis situations also bring out the worst in some people,” says the Navigator blog. It says these organizations registered domain names directly after the Navigator rates the American Red Cross and Mercy Corps 3-star. But others on the ground in Haiti for years include Save the Children, and Partners in Health both 4-star organizations.
The Navigator warns contributors to be wary of the Haitian government and not give directly,Discount Oakley Sunglasses Coping with ADDADHD Chi, “Haiti is known to be a corrupt country. And news reports post earthquake indicate that the government is pretty much not functioning. If that isn’t enough reason not to give directly to the Haiti government, then consider the fact that contributions to foreign governments are not tax deductible.”
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Best Chile Relief Charity - Habitat, Others
Haiti Relief Scams
Donating to Help Haiti
According to Charity Navigator, the smartest thing a donor can do with disaster relief is to “specify that you want your donation only used to respond to this particular crisis.“ At the Clinton Foundation, for instance, you can indicate that you want your donation to go to Haitian earthquake victims.
Here are other organizations rated 4-star by Charity Navigator in the field of disaster relief for Haiti:
Charity Navigator is a website that rates charities on a scale of one to four stars. The Save the Children, Partners in Health and others have has teams in Haiti for years, it says. But it warns that newly minted charities with “Haiti” in their names may be rip-offs.
Do Not Give to Haiti Government
Direct Relief International - Arranging an emergency airlift containing over $2 million in medicines and medical supplies.
The public has been generous with contributions to charities at crucial times, such as when Haiti suffered its deadly 2010 earthquake. But givers get more bang for their buck from certain charities such as CARE, Doctors Without Borders, Save the Children and Convoy of Hope.
New Websites for Haiti Relief Could Be Bogus
Food For The Poor are ready to be distributed to the people of Haiti. Another 300 containers are planned as a part of the initial relief effort.
Food for the Poor - Accepting cash donations, canned eats, fish, condensed/evaporated/powdered milk,Armani Sunglasses Outlet Online, and water. Almost 100 containers of urgently needed medical supplies, rice and canned food from

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