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If the baby wakes during the night, assess the crying or whimpering before entering the nursery. Most parents have learned to identify the meaning of different cries after the first few weeks of life. Rely on those intuitions. Babies, like adults, go through periods of light and deep sleep during the night. What sounds like waking may actually only be a light sleep cycle. Entering the nursery may cause the baby to awake fully.
By following a nighttime routine consistently,Adidas Sunglasses 2011, including a set bedtime every night, parents can ensure that they also get a more restful night’s sleep. The baby will know what to expect and be able to relax more as the nighttime routine begins. Find what works best for the baby and stick to it. Incorporating a massage before putting on pajamas or a sleep sack may make it easier for the baby to relax for sleep. Most parents find that a nighttime routine of 20 to 30 minutes is sufficient to lull the baby into a drowsy state. Reading a story or singing a lullaby may be another way to begin the nighttime routine. Infants thrive on routines and knowing what to expect. By establishing a nighttime routine, babies are more likely to sleep longer and more soundly at night. Just as many adults also thrive on a bedtime routine, babies do as well. Interrupting or creating sporadic nighttime patterns can interfere with being able to sleep well. During the day,Adidas Sunglasses Men Outlet A Review of Dalhousie and King's College, keep the environment at a normal noise level. Do not decrease the brightness of the room for nap time. Rather than a lengthy routine for putting the baby down for a nap, try a very short story or song. The baby should nap in the same location every day for a sense of routine. Some parents may find it useful to establish a different sleeping location other than the crib for daytime naps to help the child learn the difference between the two sleep periods. During the night, the lights should be dimmed and noise levels should be decreased. Read on Ensure a Good Night's Sleep for Baby Naptime Strategies for Babies How to Get Baby to Sleep Through the Night If entering the nursery becomes necessary,Burberry Sunglasses Outlet Online, limit the time, contact and noise. Avoid speaking and simply place a reassuring hand on the baby’s chest. Stay for less than a minute and leave the nursery again. For the first several years of life, children will take naps during the daytime. As they grow older, these naps will decrease in frequency as well as length. Babies need to have different routines during the day when it is nap time versus at night when it is time to go to bed for a much longer stretch of time. If possible,Belgian Shepherd, the Dog With a Sense of Duty, avoid putting the baby into the crib asleep. When they wake up later, they will expect to find the same environment as they had when they fell asleep. When mom’s arms are no longer there, this can create confusion and result in a middle of the night wake-up call. It is best to lay the baby in the crib in a sleepy but still awake state. This also allows the baby to learn how to self-soothe and put himself to sleep every night. Waking During the Night Differentiate Nighttime Sleep and Day Naps What happens during the nighttime routine is not as important as consistently following the routine each night. Some parents find that the four B’s are most effective – bath, book, bottle, bed. For others, a nighttime bath may overly excite the child and make going to sleep nearly impossible. Establish a Nighttime Routine |