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Posted: Sun 17:41, 05 Dec 2010 Post subject: ugg stivali Strains were immobilized two seaweed w |
Two microorganisms were immobilized seaweed wine fermentation kinetics of
Acid and mineral elements in both variety and quantity are very rich, especially iodine and seaweed containing polysaccharides (not shown) has an important key to the effectiveness of medical insurance. 160d of the experiment by continuous fermentation,ugg stivali, the immobilized cell particles inspection found no damage and PVA particles of immobilized cells is still a good mechanical strength. References: 【1】 Seibinar ~ ld, Temkoar ~ ti. VegetablefromtheSea 【M】. Tokyo: JapanPublications ,ugg milano,1983.33-51. 【2】 ZHANG Zhi root, Sur complex, Shujun Tang. Kinetics of yeast fermentation】 【J. Industrial Microbiology, 1989, (3) :11-18. 【3】 Wang Keming,ugg italia, Wang Xuejun. Many marine bacteria immobilized beverage fermented】 【J. Food Science, 1995, ( :27-30. 【4】 Wang Keming,true religion jeans, Wang Xuejun. Immobilized two strains of acetic acid fermentation】 【J. Brewing in China, 1995, (5) :35-37. 【5】 Tianjin Institute of Light Industry. Wuxi Institute of Light Industry, Dalian Institute of Light Industry, and so on. 【M】 industrial fermentation analysis. Beijing: Light Industry Press, 1986 【6】 Long Lin Li, Jin Ning people. Immobilized yeast fermentation kinetics of ethanol】 【J. Biological Engineering, 1991,7 (3) :265-271. FermentativeofseaweedwinebyCO-immobilizedtwomicroorganismsWANGyu-gangl, XUHui2WANGKe-ming (1.InstituteofChem.andBio1., YantaiUniversity, Yantai264005, China; 2.Dept.ofBiologicalandChemicalEngineering,ugg boots billig, ZhejiangUniversityofScienceandTechnology, Han4 ~ ou310012, China) AbCt ~ et: Seaweedwinewasmadebyco-immobilizedsystemofSacchammycescerevisiaeandS. West 'vitllPVAasean'i ~. Acomparativestuayonbatchandcontinuousfermetationwithmixedfreeyeastcellsandco-immobilizedcells generous carriedout. 1eadingtosettingupofcores-pondingkineticsmodels. eresultsshowthatoptimumconditionsforthefermentationare: 1. theratioofSaccharomycescerevisiaeandSacchromycesfo ~ 'ransforinoculationis4: 1.2. teml ~ ratureis20 ℃. 3. packingratioofthegelparticlesforbatchandcontinuousfermentationare0.25and0.5respectively. 4. durationformixedfreecellfermentationis7days. 5. durationforco-immobilizedcontinuousfermen-tationi80.5day. with0.12/hdilutionmte. Themechanicalst ~ ngthoftheimmobilizedcellparticleswasremainedingoodconditionafter160Iy8continuousfermetation. KeyWords: co-immobilized; twomicroorganisms; seaweedwine; fermentationkinetics; PvA
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