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PostPosted: Sat 2:16, 04 Dec 2010    Post subject: ugg italia Rose Isocarbophos no barb on in vitro s

Isocarbophos barb on the roses without toxic effects in vitro of sperm

busconchordus (rosybarb). . B / ochem. C, 1991,ugg italia,100:501 l22JMdrianT, KrasznaiZ, BalkayL, eta1. Roleofextra-andintracellularpHinthespermmotility. Hype ~ isnlodifiesregulationoftheNa / Hexchanges. Cytometry, 1997,27:374 [23] Yang Yuan and Zhou Mei, Zhang Heng and so on. Isocarbophos of human skin epidermal cell membrane integrity. West China Medical University, 2001,32 (2): 286J24l Ⅱ HY, ZhangSC. Invitrostudyoncytotoxiceffectsoftheorganophosphomuspesticideprofeoofosonthegincellline, FG-9307. ofthefounder (Paralichthysof0). (~ / MseJounm / ofOceano / ogyand / _ / mao / ogy, 2001b,ugg boots günstig, 19 (1): 57 [25] uHY, ZhangSC.Invitrocytotoxicologyoftheo ~ o # o-rllspesticidemethylparathiontoFG-9307cells.Ce / / B / o / ogyandTox / co / ogy, 2OO2, 18:235 ApplicationoftheSpermofPuntiusconchoniustoinvitroCytotoxicAssayoftheOrganophosphorusPesticideIsocarbophosHuJiahui, ZhangShicui,tory burch, ZhangYongzhong, XuYuyan, WangYongiun (DepartmentofMarineBiology, OceanUniversityofChina, Qin # ao266003) (CollegeofLifeScience, UniversityofLiaocheng, Liaocheng252059) AbstractThisstudvteststheapphcabihtyofthespermofrosybarbPuntiuscortchoniusinevaluatinginvitrocytotoxicityofis0ca-) 0Dh0s. ItwasfoundthattheincubationofisocarbophoscausedconspicuousdecreaseinthemotilityrateofrosybaIbspe Ⅱ Ilinadose-dependentmanner, andtheultrastructuralstructuresofthespermwasalso 'bleed at the nose plairedbytreatment,stivali ugg, vit} lisocarb0Dhos, suchasdistortionofmid-piece, swellingofmitochondriaanddisappearanceofplasmamembraneandnuclearmerI1l Shan ne, etc. Theref_0re, rosybarbspermisanexcellentcandidateforrapidlyIneasng / nv / trocytotoxicityoforganophosphomspesticidehkeisocarbophos. Keywords: rosybarb,ugg boots billig, sperm, isocarbophos, altrastructure ・ ・ - 107 ・ ・ -


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