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AllowAccount Operators (.Create/Delete .not inherited?his object only AllowAccount Operators ( .Create/Delete ..not inherited?his object only AllowPrint Operators (CON.Create/Delete .not inherited?his object only AllowAccount Operators [.Create/Delete .not inherited?his object only AllowDomain Admins (CO.Full Controlnot inherited?his object only AllowENTERPRISE DOM.Specialnot inherited?his object only AllowAuthenticated UsersSpecialnot inherited?his object only Q Default setting: The check box is selected, allowing an object to inherit permissions. Q Action to take: If you don't want an object to inherit any permissions from its parent object, clear this box. Apply Onto list box Q Location: Permission Entry dialog box for an [url=]IT certification[/url] object. Q Function: Determines which objects inherit permissions. Q Default setting: If permission was set in the Security tab in the Properties dialog box for the object, the list is set to "This Object Only," preventing the permission from being inherited. If permission was added from the Advanced Security Settings dialog box for the object, the list is set to "This Object And All Child Objects," allowing the permission to be inherited. Q Action to take: If you don't want child objects to inherit this permission, ensure that "This Object Only" is selected. If you want child objects to inherit this permission, ensure that "This Object And All Child Objects" is selected. If you want specific objects to inherit this permission, change the entry to the appropriate object in the list. ective permissions are the overall permissions that a security principal has for an object, including group membership and inheritance from parent objects. A new feature in Windows Server 2003 enables you to view the effective permissions granted to a selected security principal for an object. To view effective permissions granted to a security principal for an [url=]70-290 Exam[/url] object air jordan sneakers, complete the following steps: 1. Click Start nike jordans shoes, point to Administrative Tools, and then click Active Directory Users And Computers. On the View menu, ensure that Advanced Features is selected. Right-click the object for which you want to view effective permissions and click Properties. 2. In the Properties dialog box for the object, click the Security tab, and then click Advanced. 3- In the Advanced Security Settings dialog box for the object, click the Effective Permissions tab. Click Select. 4. In the Select User, Computer, Or Group dialog box, type the name of a user or group in the Enter The Object Name To Select box, and then click OK. The selected check boxes indicate the effective permissions of the user or group for the object, as shown in Figure 9-10. Tip The information displayed in the Effective Permissions tab is read-only. Therefore, without praticing in [url=/vendor/Cisco-3.html]free Cisco exam questions[/url], you cannot change a user's permissions by selecting or clearing permission check boxes in this tab. |