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PostPosted: Sun 11:38, 10 Apr 2011    Post subject: Jordan Flights 45 Atia of the Julii The Life of Oc

His political career began around 70 BC when he became quaestor, later being elected to praetor in 61 air Jordans Flight 45, and became an effective governor of Macedonia the following year, owing to his successes he was ready to stand for election to consul in Rome, but he died during the journey in 59, leaving Atia with their two children and step-daughter.
Atia Balba Caesonia
In The Twelve Caesars, Suetonius describes Atia’s premonitions before Octavian’s conception, she attended a midnight service to Apollo and fell asleep during the service, and dreamt of a snake slithering towards her, when she woke she took part in the service and discovered a blemish on her body coloured the same as a serpent’s flesh, she gave birth to Octavian ten months later, and considered him as Apollo’s son, she and Gaius Octavius experienced various omens during her pregnancy which suggested that the child would become a great ruler.
Atia’s second husband was Lucius Marcius Philippus, who boasted a similar career to Gaius Octavius, serving as praetor in 60 BC, then acting as a governor in Syria, he was elected to consulship in 56, and the couple married that year, he raised Atia’s children as his own, along with his children by his first wife, one of which later married Cato the Younger, Atia and her second husband educated all of their children at home, and Atia was respected as a highly moral and traditional woman.
She was the daughter of Marcus Atius Balbus, a man from the senatorial class who originated from the town of Aricia, in the region of Latium, Marcus was a cousin of Pompey the Great, and married Julia, the elder sister of Julius Caesar. Julia bore Marcus three daughters, Atia Balba Prima, Atia Balba Caesonia, and Atia Balba Tertia, the three girls were probably raised at Aricia, their father’s ancestral home.
Gaius Octavius was from Velitrae in Latium, he was born into an equestrian family which were originally plebs but rose through the ranks to achieve higher status. He had been married previously to Ancharia Jordan Flights 45, and had a daughter named Octavia Major, meaning The Elder Octavia, Ancharia died young, and Gaius Octavius married Atia Balba Caesonia, whose family lived close by.
Atia of the Julii was born into one of the most ancient and powerful families in Rome, a family of great wealth and connections, they claimed descent from the legendary Aeneas, a son of Venus, who was a warrior during the Trojan War, and fled the besieged city, embarking on an epic voyage across the Mediterranean, before settling in Italy where his family founded the city of Alba Longa, whose descendants later founded Rome.
Philippus was a placid man and did not take any political involvement during the civil-war between Atia’s uncle, Julius Caesar, and her father’s cousin, Pompey the Great, after the murder of Julius Caesar in 44 BC, Octavian was proclaimed as his sole heir and consequently the richest man in Rome, Philippus and Atia tried to persuade him to reject his inheritance out of fear for
Marriage to Gaius Octavius
Atia and Gaius Octavius had two children new jordan 2011, the first of which was born in 64 BC and they named her Octavia Minor, meaning The Younger Octavia, the following year they had a son, Octavian who later became the first emperor of Rome, Octavian Caesar, also known as Augustus Caesar.
Read on
Mark Antony and Cleopatra
Julius Caesar's Three Wives
Livia: The Life Augustus' Wife
A Traditional and Virtuous Roman Woman
Gaius Octavius’ Career
Fearful for Her Son
Mother to the Future Octavian Caesar

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