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PostPosted: Thu 5:40, 17 Mar 2011    Post subject: Is Your Starbucks Rewards Card App Safe- - Slashfo

Is Your Starbucks Rewards Card App Safe? - Slashfood
Photo: d'n'c,Ghd Kiss Styler, FlickrStarbucks has made it super easy to buy your morning latte with just a swipe of your iPhone -- perhaps too easy.The Starbucks Rewards Card iPhone app allows you to keep a scannable version of your card on your phone,GHD Straighteners Australia, giving early-adopter techno geeks yet another reason to smirk at the rest of us while we're fumbling for our (gasp!) credit cards. (Plastic is so 2009.)But as The Consumerist reports, Starbucks has also unwittingly made it easy for someone else to scam your account.It turns out that anyone with access to your phone can simply take a screen shot of your Starbucks' barcode and send it to their phone. Thus, anytime the criminally minded need a jolt of caffeine before their next caper, all they have to do is show the barista the barcode they scammed from you. (Get the whole story at Mobile Commerce Daily.)That may sounds complicated to anyone who still fumbles through a text, but to a tech wiz, all it takes is about 90 seconds.So how to thwart the scammers? Password-protect your iPhone,Ghd hair Straightener Online, says The Consumerist. But now you're holding up the line.
The exclusionThe head teacher wrote to the parents of R and F telling them that neither R nor F could come back to school, but that they would be given help in completing their course at home. He should, of course, have told the parents immediately, ideally by telephone followed by a letter, of their right to make representations to the governing body.

Citizenship INSET at Eaton Bank School_1567

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