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beer thirty
we aren't dating but we have an understandment not to fool around with other people。 -Drectionally Challenged Guy: (raises right hand) "I don't want to tell Karen I can't make it tonight, so I'll Stealth-call her when she's on her flight and has her phone shut off." 职工会议开得怎么样? - "Allow me to recrap..." Virgin Ears Susie has a pair of virgin ears。 understanding和agreement的组合,在谈论非正式的协定时可以用到。 -I will pen you into my schedule。 pencil you in这个短语最初表示“临时、随手记录一下”,因为非正式的记录是用铅笔的,可以事后擦掉。而pen you in就表示是很认真地把你的要求记录下来。 -"Tell me how the staff meeting went." 用来形容一个很少接触到性、毒品、亵渎,并且不谙世事,单纯天真的人。 Sarcastic phrase; used with the directionally challenged to make them aware of their error。 - "Raise your left hand." 行,我安排在我行程里面了。 A play on the phrase "pencil you in" but adds additional emphasis on the intention of the commitment。 一天中(通常是下午到傍晚的时候)某个需要喝啤酒的时段 “我不想亲口跟Karen说我今晚不能去了,所以我找了她还在飞机上的时候打电话过去。” 呀,啤酒时间到了,赶紧给我来听冰的。 pen you in The combination of understanding and agreement. Used when talking about informal commitment。 Stealth-call 苏茜还是个很纯真的孩子。 无聊,就跟你再扯一遍吧…… 抬起左手 -Hey wanna join the party tomorrow? 我们没有在约会,但我们说好了不会和别的什么人乱来。 可以发散出去,什么coffee thirty、tea thirty、milk thirty都可以。 Hey, looks like its beer thirty, better grab me a cold one When you have to call someone back but don't want to talk to them, so you wait until you know they can't talk and leave a voice mail。 A person who has been vaguely exposed to sex, drugs, profanities and doesn't have a tight grasp on reality。 就像中文中有�、围观、雷人、杯具这种新鲜词语一样,英语中也有很多词典里没有收录的新流行语,有时候红过一段时间又被人遗忘了。不过,了解了解, 倒是挺有意思。 -"No, your other left." 左右不分的人把右手抬起来了 Time of day (usually late afternoon to early evening) at which drinking a beer becomes necessary。 your other left 当你不得不给谁打电话,但是又真的不想和那个人讲话时,你就瞅准时间,在一个他不可能接电话的点打过去,这样直接在语音信箱留言就行。 对左右不分的人说的话,让他们知道,方向又错了。 明天来参加派对吗? 不是这只,是另一只“左手”。 understandment 用来总结一个全是废话的讨论。crap意为废话,那么recrap自然表示把废话再讲一遍。 To sum up a discussion composed largely of useless bullshit。 recrap Many years ago there lived an Emperor who was so exceedingly fond of fine new clothes that he spent vast sums of money on dress. To him clothes meant more than anything else in the world. He took no interes related links: 时间、时间简史、时间机器 |