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PostPosted: Wed 10:58, 02 Mar 2011    Post subject: 我的歌唱史

小学: 文娱积极分子,年年得;
初中: 小小发烧友,日日听;
高中: 青涩不敢唱,夜夜哼;
大学: 五音不太全,默默闻;
年轻时代: 唱出蚊子音,独独吟;
后时代: 以此作为发泄的方式之一,居然能用吼的了,居然还出声了,居然还顺畅了......
历史正一次次被刷新,昨天跟12去钱柜,居然两个人能唱上七个小时,会的、不太会的都吼了一遍,哈哈,真是过瘾~Many years ago there lived an Emperor who was so exceedingly fond of fine new clothes that he spent vast sums of money on dress. To him clothes meant more than anything else in the world. He took no interes
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