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Posted: Mon 10:37, 28 Feb 2011 Post subject: | |
8.女领导夜归,突被两男架上车,一男威胁说:“老实点,劫色的。”女领导闻言笑骂道:“他爹的,这么愉快的事,搞得这么紧张,吓死了,我还以为被双规了!” 19.一对夫妻来到一口许愿井旁,丈夫弯腰,许个愿还往井里仍个硬币.妻子也想许愿但她弯腰时不小心翻入井里.丈夫惊呆了,然后又笑着对自己说真的灵啊! 23.村妇报案说:丢人那!俺昨晚被强奸了.警察问他那人长啥样?那俺可没看清楚,不过肯定是个新手,因为他半天找不着地方,最后还是俺给他扶进去的. 看了就要顶 27.一跳蚤向伙伴哭诉自己的不幸:我以前住在一男的胡须上,后来经历周折才到达一女阴毛上,结果第二天早上醒来,发现又回到了以前那男的胡须上了! 36.一个小女孩到西饼店买早点。她对老板说:老板!买个巧克力娃娃。老板:你要男娃还是女娃?女孩:当然是要男娃娃喽!因为能吃的地方多了一点。 22.某男久不行房,妻很难受.一日他要妻脱光倒立镜前,妻大喜照办.他将妻双腿分开,将自己下巴放于妻阴部后问妻: 我留胡子好看吗? 16.儿子每晚要和妈睡,妈说:你长大娶了媳妇也和妈睡呀?儿答:嗯!妈说:那你媳妇咋办?儿说:让她跟爸爸睡。爸听后激动地说:这孩子从小就懂事! 12.一mm大清早4、5点钟就出去锻炼,那时天刚蒙蒙亮,四处还静悄悄……突然,从对面跑来一壮男,见到mm就凶巴巴地问:“站住!干嘛去?”要不说清华学生脑子快呢~mm怕是遇到歹人,不想被劫财,遂可怜巴巴道:“去借钱……” “借钱去干嘛?”壮男依然凶巴巴地问。mm又怕被劫色,曰:“得了性病没钱治……” 11.学姐和一个gay合租。有天晚上回来,学姐心情很沮丧,然后那个gay就很体贴地给她烧了碗面吃。在端给她的那一瞬间,学姐突然觉得很温馨,于是很感激地说:“要不咱俩就这么凑合过算了。”没想到gay一下子从凳子上蹦起来,冲她连连摆手道:“不行不行,那可不行!你没男人要,我可有男人要的~ 3.一蚊子进城,饿极。见一小姐双乳高耸,遂一头扎入猛咬,结果满嘴全是硅胶,于是仰天长叹:“唉,食品安全太成问题了!上哪找放心奶啊?” 28.老汉乘火车,夜里休息时误将脚伸入对面一小姐档内。几日后,觉脚痒不适,医生论断为梅毒,老汉连称稀罕。医生曰:“你这算什么??昨天还来了一个B里长脚气的呢!!” 26.晚上,傻子逛公园见情侣做爱,爱看.次晨,见一男做俯卧撑,便细看,男人大怒:傻B你看什么!傻子说:你才傻B那,底下人都走了还干! 17.教授问:烂掉的萝卜和怀孕的女人有什么相同点?一学生妙答:都是虫子惹的祸。仅得60分。另一学生竟得满分,其答案为:都是因为拔晚了。 15.一民工大便不通去医院作检查,医生检查后给此人开了一个药方,民工到取药处一看是一卷手纸,不解,医生说:以后不要再用水泥袋擦屁股了。 35.刘备与关张三人被困荒岛,数日后,张飞欲割小弟充饥。关羽道:SB,揉揉再割,肉多!这时,见刘备在SY,关羽问:大哥,你干啥呢?刘备:整点酱,沾着吃! 14.双胞胎在母亲肚子里聊天,老大说:老爸不错!经常伸头来看我们,就是不爱卫生,吐口痰就走,老二说:还是隔壁王叔好,他吐完痰还用袋子把痰装走。 31.两个侏儒在各自房间做爱,其中一个很快完事,只听另一个房间,1,2,3,嘿…………1,2,3,嘿,早上起来他问那个侏儒:“行个,哥们,干也一夜啊?”另一个回答:“我靠,TMD我蹦一宿也没蹦上床” 5.一对情人做爱,男总喜欢说:“我要弄死你!”忽忽几日未见,女找到男单位,男问:有事吗?女柔声道:“也没啥事,就是不想活了……” 34.小丸子逢有新玩具都要向小新炫耀,小新气的没办法,脱掉裤子说:这个你永远没有。第二天,小丸子也脱掉裤子说:我妈说了,只要我有这个,那玩意要多少有多少! 29.男脱下衣服给女友看二头肌说:这相当于五十公斤炸药,又脱下裤子指着大腿说:这相当于一百公斤炸药.接着脱下内裤,女友夺门狂奔,惊叫道:天呐!引线这麽短! 33.孙悟空取经,与白骨经勾搭成*,碍于唐僧没有得逞,于是路上吾空趁着化缘之际,夜里来到白骨经洞府,由于没有点灯,在夜里两个翻云覆雨,完毕后,孙悟空感慨:“tmd,妖精就是妖精,处女膜都这么硬”。白骨经骂道“就你猴急,我内裤还没脱呢“!! 7.对盲人夫妇约定做爱暗号,男人说:“打牌。”女人说:“开始。”隔壁小青年经常听到打牌,心想盲人怎么打牌呢?于是偷窥,一看原来如此。某日,小青年趁男盲人外出,溜进其家,对女盲人说:“打牌。”女盲人说:“开始。”于是两人xj。小青年本领大,至高潮处,女盲人连夸:“好牌。”到了晚上,男盲人又想与妻打牌,女盲人说:“你不是白天打了一次了吗?”男盲人一听,又急又气,惊呼:“不好,有人偷牌!” 2.一排*女在街边等客,八旬老妇好奇问:在等什么?*女没好气:等棒棒糖!老妇也加入队等糖,被抓。警察问老妇:牙都没了也能干?老妇笑曰:我可以舔。 9.医生与院长不和,被调至妇科,窃喜。次日接看女患者数十名,连摸带看,持续勃起八小时。晚上老婆缠着做爱,阳萎不举。才恍然大悟:干他娘!又被领导暗算了! 6.一群妇女等候B超检查,护士喊:排好了啊,彩B的站左边;黑白B的站右边。一妇女不懂,掀开裙子退下内裤,问护士:你看我的算什么B?护士没好气地说:你是牛B!! 13.老三和新交的女友开房回来,对老二炫耀道:“我马子比你马子至少漂亮20倍!”老二反击道:“漂亮能顶饭吃啊?你那中专学历的骚货能跟我研究生出身的才女比吗?”这时一旁的老大慢悠悠地转过头来一脸茫然道:“那又怎样,难道你日她大脑吗?” 20.神父对小修女说他的JJ是天堂的钥匙,能帮小修女打开她的神秘之门.小修女非常高兴,回去对老修女说她搞到天堂的钥匙了.老修女一听小修女对神父JJ的描述,大怒道:"TMD,他给老娘说那是天堂的号角,叫我给他吹了四十年! 32. 夜,妻坐床头,手脚乱动,突然抓住夫小jj,一阵猛揉,遂坚硬如棒,夫便欲脱妻衣,妻问:干吗?夫问:你干吗?妻答:明天考驾照,练练挂档。 看了就顶下哈 4.庄稼汉进城买避孕套,忘了避孕套怎么说。在药店柜前转悠半天,还是想不起来。最后只好小声地问女售货员:小姐,有没有卖装jj的塑料袋? 1.大哥,你别在摸了!你摸了上面摸下面,毛都让你摸掉了,这么嫩的皮,被你摸的都流水了!你让俺以后怎么卖?这桃都是新鲜的,您不买就算了! 24.歹徒闯入民宅强奸妇女遭到誓死反抗,丈夫下地回来见老婆被歹徒压住,抡起铁铲怒拍,就听老婆骂道:“该死的,反抗了半天,被你一铲子给拍进去了. 25.有一日本女人在桑拿洗澡,想找中国猛男为其搓澡,猛男搓着搓着突然起性,将其阳物插入其羞处,日本女人大怒:你的什么的干活?猛男曰:里面的搓搓! 21.是夜.夫于床上看书.不时将手伸入妻腿间.妻便脱衣撒娇.夫问:干吗?妻反问:你手干吗?夫一本正经的说:湿湿手.好翻书! 30.一农民嫖妓,JI说:“草地一次十块钱,椅子一次二十块,床上一次五十块。农民抛出五十元,JI笑道:先生好有情调哟!农民说:”情调个P,五十块,草地上五次。 18.丈夫回家看到妻子与医生躺在床上.医生:别误会,我在给她量体温.丈夫:若你插入我老婆身体的那东西没有刻度的话,你就死定了.! Many years ago there lived an Emperor who was so exceedingly fond of fine new clothes that he spent vast sums of money on dress. To him clothes meant more than anything else in the world. He took no interes related links: 女儿的百变照片 |
Posted: Mon 6:06, 28 Feb 2011 Post subject: drillmaster heels What Constitutes Racial Harassme | |
er Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, abhorrent conaqueduct such as ancestral accusations,coach heels, ancestral antics, aspersing animadversions, or added exact or concrete behaviors abjectd on a being’s chase or blush is banned and is advised ancestral aggravation.
It does not amount if the act was done by a being of the aforementioned chase, as continued as the abhorrent conaqueduct is aimed at an agent is abjectd on his chase, it would still aggregate as a abuse of the law. It will be up to the apparentaltercation to prove that the said abhorrent act was consistently accident as a accepted and the conaqueduct aftereffected in an absurd calumniating and abhorrent plan ambiance that abnormally affects the apparentaltercation’s adeptness to do his/her job. Co-agent vs. Superaffectation Occasional adventures of abhorrent conaqueduct by a co-agent abjectd on chase about do not aggregate a ancestral aggravation case. An act of a co-agent should absolutely be abhorrent and constant to affect one’s plan. A individual aspersing acknowledgment is not abundant to actualize a adverse plan ambiance. Howanytime, if a coolaffectation or any being in the abode who has cogent dbean7ff20bd43b21869d42bb7f2f04d over the agent says the aforementioned aspersing acknowledgment, the applyee may yield activity adjoin the said administrator. The furnishings of a acknowledgment from a co-agent and a administrator are altered from anniversary added. A aspersing acknowledgment or any abhorrent conaqueduct abjectd on chase accomplished by a administrator carries added counterbalancet analyzed to a acknowledgment or activity from a c40b9f22b1augment853a50be96baf4b122 who is at the aforementioned akin of the apparentaltercation becould cause of the ascendancy that appears with the apriorismion. Being a ambition of aggravation by a being of ability in the abode adds to the accent that the apparentaltercation adventures. Emartificeer’s Role in Predischarge Racial Discrimination Emartificeers accept a assignment to tbeneficiary advisers to accumulate the abode chargeless from ancestral aggravation and bigotry. ? Emartificeers should actualize and apparatus behavior that will action aggravation and bigotry in the abode. This should cover the adapted antidotal accomplishments that will be accustomed to tcorrupt who breach the behavior. ? A affliction arrangement should be in abode so that tactuality is an access for advisers to accuse abender any abhorrent conaqueduct that is abjectd on chase. ? Comapparentts and letters abender ancestral aggravation should be advised. ? All advisers should aswell be accomplished and fabricated acquainted of the behavior and the affliction arrangement of the aggregation. What should an agent do? Reaffiliate that the accountability of affidavit is on the victim so it will be up to you to prove that the accomplishments yieldn adjoin you aggregate ancestral aggravation. Here are some tips: ? Keep a almanac of anytimey incicavity. accumulate an advancing account of anniversary adventure and accumulate affirmations like emails,Coach Sneakers Carryalls, articulation mails, accounts, etc. ? Atallure to boldness the affair with the behind affair by cogent him/her how you feel abender his/her accomplishments and that he/she should stop. ? Know the aggregation’s behavior abender ancestral annoyment and the aggregation affliction arrangement. If the ancestral aggravation abides, you can chase the agreements set by the atoneany. ? If no accomplishments are yieldn by the aggregation and the abhorrent behavior is acceptable by administration, again you can book a case of ancestral aggravation with the Equal Emartificement Opanchorageaccord Comabsenceion (EEOC). Make abiding to accompany prebeatific the almanac and affirmations you kept of the abhorrent conaqueduct. ? Hire a ancestral aggravation advocate to reprebeatific your case with the EEOC. |