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Posted: Mon 9:09, 28 Feb 2011 Post subject: | |
1 缅甸:
划走我国十八万平方公里的江心坡、南坎。江心破,相当于安徽省的面积。1956年中缅边界条约,做到了英国没能做到的事情:沿着麦克马洪线和 1941年英军声称"抗日"而越界的占据线,把在清代属于云南省的18万平方公里的土地让给了缅甸,占缅甸现有国土面积六十七万平方公里的四分之一强。 云南西部绿色区域就是江心坡,黄色区域就是唐努乌梁海 2 安南省(越南): 部分西沙群岛,29个岛礁,老山。1965年,为了支援越南的抗战争,周恩来和安南总理范文同签署协议,将我国北部湾里的白龙尾岛(安南称夜莺岛),出借给安南政府,让其在上面修建雷达基地,作为预警轰炸河内的国飞机。这个岛屿,至今安南没有归还。北部湾是个圆形的,世界少有的辽阔的大海湾。白龙尾屿就是这个圆心,有了它,简直可以轻易控制整个北部湾。自古就是中国领土。最近北部湾划界,白龙尾屿已经划到了安南海域内。看来要回来也难了。1999年12月30日,《中国和越南陆地边界条约》,云南老山和广西法卡山划归安南。 汉代到陈(南北朝-南朝)的交州地图 3 蒙古: 蒙古及前后贝佳尔湖地区约有250万平方公里。将内蒙的部分地区划归外蒙。 4、朝鲜: 部分长白山和天池的一半。1962年,金日成以长白山是自己在日本殖民朝鲜时打游击的地方,希望中国能了解朝鲜人民对此地的革命感情,将长白山划给朝鲜,当时毛反苏,在共产国际里很孤立,为争取朝鲜成为反苏盟友,同意把长白山的一角(有说是1/2,另个说法是 53%)和八个山峰中的三个划给了朝鲜,这就是1962年中朝边界协议的来源。 将鸭绿江的出海口全部划归朝鲜。 5、尼泊尔: 部分喜马拉雅山. 在中国西藏自治区和尼泊尔交界处。"珠穆朗玛"为藏语"女神第三"的音译。清康熙五十六年(1717年)《皇舆全览图》上作朱母郎马阿林。1961年10 月5日,尼泊尔国王马亨德拉在北京参加了国庆典礼后,与当时的国主席刘少奇签署了中尼边界条约。该条约第十一条规定,边界线在延着分水岭到兰巴山口后:再延山脊大体东南行,经过卓奥友山、普莫里山(尼尔朗古)、珠穆朗玛峰(萨加 码塔)和洛子峰,到马卡鲁山;然后延山脊向东南转东而行,到波底山口。边界线划过珠穆朗玛峰顶。当时尼泊尔国王的地位并不巩固。马亨德拉在上一年解散了民选政府,把大权集中在自己手里。与信奉民主政体的印度的关系降到最低点,印度暗里支持反对派在印尼边界的游击活动。马亨德拉对北京也谈不上特别友好,CIA在1960年开始训练中尼边界的z民武装。这位国王,可以压一下也可以拉一把。为了与印度争当亚非拉新独立国的龙头老大,对这位毫无谈判实力的国王,送上如此重礼--部分喜马拉雅山。 远在英国人知道珠穆朗玛峰之前,中国已经对她作了勘察和测量。比英国人早了一百四十年,清代的三名员在绘制西制地图时,就把珠穆朗玛峰载入了铜版的《皇舆全览图》。"舆"指广阔的土地,《易经说卦》曰,"坤为地为大舆"。"皇舆"就是皇的土地,"舆图"就是地图,在古文里常作"疆土"。但《辞海》不能明着告诉读者,我们打倒了皇帝,顺带也卖了他的当。后来中国和巴基斯坦谈判边界问题时,巴基斯坦援引珠穆朗玛峰的先例,把喀喇昆仑山的主峰乔戈里峰(即西方登山界所称的K2,海拔8611米,世界第二高峰)割走了一半。文革后,外交谈判逐渐地公布了一些。1988年出版的由前外交部副部长韩念龙任主编、现任外交部长钱其琛任副主编的《当代中国 交》,透露了割让珠穆朗玛峰是最高领袖的亲自决/断。而周不愧为周,说到这件事,他总要引用一遍毛的话,然后说,自此之后,中国政府一直是这个态度。周不愿承担这份责任。著名历史学家谭其骧编一本有古地名的地图集。比较代,中国方面让出的二百平方公里以上的地段有七块之多,最大的超过二千平方公里。这本地图集里,珠穆朗玛峰标在中国境内。这本地图集是保守的。据清代的舆图,现在远在边界线之南的干城章嘉峰(藏语"五宝雪山"之意,海拔8585米,世界第三高峰),当年也是中国的领土。1962年中国和尼泊尔谈判边界时,毛指出:珠峰举世闻名,中国和尼泊尔单独拥有都不好。最好是一家一半,让它成为边界之峰,友谊之峰。 6 印度: 大家都知道中印之战的结局。由于麦克马洪线。印度大概占领中国30多万平方公里的领土。主要是藏南、锡金、藏西南(克什米尔),不丹(也曾是中国领土)被印度实际控制。 �(还的繁体字)下方红色区域就是克什米尔, 而靠近尼泊尔一侧红色区域就是当年周恩来与尼泊尔签订的条约出让的领土 7 巴基斯坦: 1955年,周恩来访问克什米尔,主动提出把新疆的坎巨提地区让给巴基斯坦。 8 俄罗斯、9哈萨克斯坦、10塔吉克斯坦、11吉尔吉斯斯坦: 当年俄国通过多份不平等条约强行瓜分出去的,但是苏联解体后,以上4国均有获得我国以前领地。在蒙古以东的中国北方领土有三大块,外兴安岭以南、黑龙江以北60多万平方公里的"外兴地区",乌苏里江以东的"乌东地区",有40万平方公里,还有一块就是库页岛。这些领土虽然被俄国侵占,但历届中国/政府没有放弃索回权利,毛说不要收回沙皇占领的土地,但并未签约。然而,在1991年5月16日签订了主动弃权的《五.一六协定》,即《中苏国界东段协定》。 哈、塔、吉占据了中国有60多万平方公里的领土。 沙俄占领我国西部领土,现在被俄国、哈萨克、塔吉克、吉尔吉斯4国瓜分。 附:图瓦共和国: 唐努乌梁海原来是外蒙古的一部份,于外蒙古独立之时,被苏联侵吞。地处外蒙古西北部、西伯利亚以南,北靠萨彦岭,南抵唐努山,是位于两山之间的狭长地带,总面积约20万平方公里。唐努乌梁海被前苏联侵吞之后个瓜分为三个部分:俄罗斯联邦的图瓦共和国,图瓦共和国以西属于阿尔泰共和国的部份,以及蒙古的库苏古尔省。但由于后两部分事实上已没有了唐努乌梁海的痕迹,因此,通常所指的唐努乌梁海地区实质上是俄罗斯联邦图瓦共和国。1916年 12月28日,由于俄国忙于第一次世界大战,中华民国北洋政府决定由乌里雅苏台佐领专员兼管唐努乌梁海事务,恢复对该地区行使主权。1918年- 1919年,沙俄被苏共推翻,中华民国北洋政府派兵驱逐盘踞在唐努乌梁海地区的沙俄残余势力,重新将唐努乌梁海纳入中国版图。但是,因为孙文的不断革命,中国再次丢失。 目前被外国占据的领土 12 日本: “马关条约”日本强行割让我国辽东半岛、台湾省、澎湖列岛.辽东半岛和台湾收回。但是钓鱼群岛至今未归还,还有琉球群岛(琉球群岛南部是先岛诸岛的石垣岛、西表岛、八重山列岛等岛屿)、南千岛群岛(日称北方四岛)。 我国南千岛群岛(日本称为北方4岛) 13 阿富汗:瓦罕走廊被阿富汗控制,1963年的条约划归阿富汗。 14 南韩: 占据我国日向礁和苏岩礁,而苏岩礁离上海只有200公里。 15 菲律宾:占据9个我国岛礁。 16 印度尼西亚:占据2个我国岛屿。 17 马来西亚:占据10个我国岛礁。 18 文莱:占据1个我国岛礁。 Many years ago there lived an Emperor who was so exceedingly fond of fine new clothes that he spent vast sums of money on dress. To him clothes meant more than anything else in the world. He took no interes related links: 青年QQ-ZONE身份证-1 |
Posted: Fri 16:24, 25 Feb 2011 Post subject: moncler italia On the TV recording vehicle design | |
On the TV recording vehicle design and technology planning
) The appropriate size: broadcast interior space is limited, need to make maximum use of available space. 2, Digital Audio Center System program (1) system design framework: see Figure 1. (2) system design described: the audio signal from the broadcast by car A / D conversion, carried out through the digital distribution of passive Yinfen, in which a group of signal by the cascade system into a large digital mixer; another set of signals sent the backup broadcast mixer trucks. Vehicle from the scene and recording the audio signal, select the audio system for block diagram of Figure l TV --·-- 48 ·--·-- backup signal by A / D conversion, the digital passive Yinfen the distribution, which sent a group of numbers by the cascade system backup mixer, another group of car audio signal directly to send large digital mixer. PGM output audio car audio signals, signals and other digital audio signals broadcast by the cascade system to the car's jumper frame, and then sent through the jumper frame assigned to broadcast digital audio. Recording vehicles, broadcast vehicles are equipped with 16 channels of multi-level display device, real-time monitoring of audio input and output signals; digital audio into high-quality passive devices, stable performance, is a purely physical distribution amplifiers; recording truck and a broadcast workshop cascade, the cascade includes: audio, video, call, TALLY instructions,moncler italia, the network signals. Car audio system with Dolby 5.1,air jordans, backwards compatible with analog stereo and mono; broadcast car audio area, the director and technical area will adopt the stereo area. All in all, the emergence of television recording vehicles, from the concept changed the way people stick to the two tuning the concept of long-term, it directly into an audio production console scene, omitted the signal transfer and cascade, effectively improving the audio production The overall quality; from a technical perspective, (continued on page 34) video technology No. 10/2004MOT/t ~ user * mouth Wu E & V / t ~ OT1EI ● 0Gy Figure 6 Test Version 4.0 features the camera's MTF of digital projection systems require the system parameter values allow the range of center of brightness of the standard 14 feet of soil a Langbo o . 7 feet of a brightness uniformity 8O75 Langbo white CIE coordinates of a 9O x = O. 314, y = O. 351 soil o. olOx. The order of at least 2000:1 contrast ratio Y 15oo: 1 box at least 150:1 contrast ratio 100:1 (ANSI contrast) Y channel SNR 51.1dB. 8.4 micron square pixel size compared with the HDTVCCD is quite large, but it maintained a large-screen high-resolution images to study the low level required for the sensitivity and signal to noise ratio. However, there are improved sensitivity and dynamic range of the room, as the main cause seems to be random noise clipping in the DC Circuit. Figure 7 (a) is a very high-resolution images. Figure 7 (b) in Figure 7 (a) partial image to enlarge,Rosetta Stone version 3, but the resolution is almost no loss. Currently, a single-component-specific polymorphisms (by the CCD and the division of the external analog circuits caused by parallel processing), is in analog and digital processing circuits, using artificial methods to deal with. In the future, will be taken using black and white reference signal automatic gain and offset compensation method to improve the correction accuracy. Application Technology (b) Figure 6 Experimental MTF characteristics of the camera to 6O This paper describes the conclusions of frames / sec, progressive scanning and the work of 4k × 2k color camera system for testing the situation. Using the camera's 8 megapixels CCD, for high-quality color imaging. System in the vertical direction and horizontal direction, have a limit of more than 2,000 lines resolution. The frame format is based on the HDTV,ed hardy shop, so the system can effectively use the HDTV equipment development and evaluation. Plans for the future development of the actual use of one hand, the 2000 line imaging system, the other hand, efforts to improve the image resolution to nearly 4,000 over the goal line. This technology will be applied to cover the frame rate of 24 ~ 60 frames / second image of the advanced TV and theater systems. (Continued from page 4 audio pickup truck equipped with a complete recording, mixing, routing, monitoring and communications tools, to reduce dependence on external audio, help to improve the system's core production of force; from the point of working conditions , due to the passive sound engineer from the secondary role of tuning into a mixer's master personnel, roles will change position on a deeper level to stimulate their creative passion for the programs more conducive to better and more innovative audio design. Therefore, the emergence of television and popular recordings cars,piumini Moncler, bound to our ability to advance the television broadcast audio for the TV standards of international, lay a good hardware and software environment. A 34 - 相关的主题文章: ugg stivali 《地球科学与环境学报》编委简介_5400.Ht rosetta stone software 超亲水TiO2/SiO2复合薄膜的 rosetta stone spanish Rock salt-type LiTiO2 Synthe |