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PostPosted: Wed 12:20, 19 Jan 2011    Post subject: air jordans GGG40 cast ductile iron casting chemic

GGG40 cast ductile iron casting chemical composition and temperature control

Code: BChemicalCompositionandPouringTemperatureControlinProductionofGGG40GradeAS - CastDuctileIronHUANGLiu-weifIronCastingFoundry, LiugongFoundryCo. Ltd. , Liuzhou545007, China) our factory for the German production with customers GGG40 (equivalent to the same QT400-15) grades of ductile iron, castings varieties, uneven thickness, complex structure, the conditions required under the ball of the cast rate is not low at 2, the ball diameter is less than 0.03mill, ferrite content higher than 90%, non-shrink larvae L, shrinkage and graphite float. In order to achieve technical requirements, we carried out the chemical composition and pouring temperature was strictly controlled. Control of chemical composition of 1.1 1 of carbon, silicon content from the benefit of globalization, increasing the number of balls and the amount of ferrite to prevent shrinkage larvae L, shrinkage and improve the mechanical properties of consideration, W (C) control the range of Quarters 3. 7% ~ 3.85%: tV (Si) range of 2.5% -2.8% 1.2 Manganese Mn promote pearlite formation, easy to segregation at the grain boundary to form a composite carbide, so that the toughness decreases, shrinkage tendency to increase. When the content (mass fraction) 0.35%, the elongation rate of less than 15%, so the content of W (Mn) 0.3% control. 1.3 phosphorus, sulfur phosphorus segregation in the goods sector easily, and the formation of low melting point eutectic of phosphorus and increase health and shrinkage I looking tendencies. Easily lead to poor ball of sulfur, slag and subcutaneous gas larvae L. General requirements of their content W (P) and W (s) are less than 0,air jordans,06%. I plant to join the large amount of scrap (70%), W (P) and WfS1 can be controlled within 0.03% or less. Magnesium increased from 1.4 to ensure that globalization both good, to prevent White, shrinkage, slag,stivali ugg, Received :2005 -04-04 author: Wei Huang flow (1972.9 A), male,moncler günstig, college educated, engineers, shop Director of subcutaneous gas larvae L considered, W (Mg residue) 0.03% -0.05% control. The total requirement of 1.5 trace As, Pb, zn, Ti, Bi, Sb, Al, Cd,ugg boots günstig, Te, etc. The total content of trace elements (mass fraction) of not more than 0.1% W (Ti) of not more than 0. 05%. 2 pouring temperature control to ensure the graphite from the full, to prevent shrinkage larvae L, shrinkage considerations,moncler daunenjacke, for the wall thickness of 20 ~ 60inin of ductile iron, pouring temperature control range of 1340 ~ 1390 ��. 3 actual results produced ductile iron microstructure, the defect met the requirements, the tensile strength is 450 ~ 490MPa; elongation rate of 15% -24% 60 5


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