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PostPosted: Fri 11:43, 07 Jan 2011    Post subject: Nike Air Max 1 Shoes Finding Subscribers 1

ding Subscribers 1,Nike Air Max 1 ShoesThat is what I'm doing. Or better. That is what I'mtrying to do. It's time again that I get busy findingsubscribers.I'm the publisher of the ACAD Newsletter. I startedwith it on the first day of 2001. I started with onesubscriber: me.I started advertising for subscribers. I did freeadvertising in newsletters and so. And I also did somead swaps.As I started I had a planning. At the end of the year Iwanted to have 500 subscribes. I could keep theplanning.At the end of the year I had 650 subscribers. Thatnumber was well over the number I had planned. Verygood.The new subscribers didn't only come from freeadvertising. I put some new articles in the ACADNewsletter.I was announcing these articles. That brought a lot ofnew subscribers. That is why I had 650 subscribers atthe end of 2001.This year I didn't do any advertising. I didn'tannounce any new articles. The number of subscriberswent up. But not much.Right now I've got 800 subscribers. But it has been 800for more than one mon th now. So it's time that I getbusy with finding new subscribers.I have been reading newsletters that I received. In acouple I found tips about how you can find newsubscribers.Based on these tips I made a planning. I decided thethings I want to do to find new subscribers. These arethese things:1. Free advertising in newsletters2. Writing articles and spreading them over theInternet3. Asking my subscribers to help me to find newsubscribers. They could recommend the ACADNewsletterto other peopleI joined a lot of groups on Topica and on Yahoo. I havesorted them out. I only want to be subscribed to groupsthat:- Have at least 100 subscribers- Allow me to post ads and maybe writingsThat's what I saw as I was on Topica. There are a lotof groups that didn't meet the standards I had set. SoI unsubscribed from them.At Topica I subscribed to the following groups:AdvWebDesignAnnounce ListsCheckListCompuListezineadexchangeEzineAdSwapList-AnnounceList-Your_ListsI'm a subscriber of the following groups at Yahoo:2000publications freebies-and-webmastertoolsaabusiness inudderwordsadd_your_list jfwlistarticle_announce list-of-listsarticles_archive modelerscadcad_cam_edm_dro momsbizeannounce newlistsepub steveflemingezine-announce writeannouncefree-content yahoo_messengerfreeannounceI have posted an ad for the ACAD Newsletter at eachgroup. I did it over Topica and Yahoo. They have madeposting of ads very easy.Next week or so I'll post one of my articles at eachgroup. I don't know what the effect is. But that canonly be good.I'm sure there are more lists that accept postings andthat I can join. I must find them. Let's do a searchfor LIST ANNOUNCE on Google.For writing articles I opened a new e-mail account. Iuse that account to subscribe to groups that acceptarticles and distribute it over the Internet.I already subscribed to a lot of groups. And I alreadyhave send out an article to each group. But I didn'tsee any respond.Only free-content has published my article. They havesent it out over the Internet. I received a copy oftheir e-mail.But I haven't heard from the other. If I don't hearfrom them this month then I'll unsubscribe from them.What is the point of being a subscriber?Here is a list of groups I just now joined. I hope Ican send articles to them. Let's see how that worksout. I hope

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