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Posted: Wed 10:29, 05 Jan 2011 Post subject: ugg milano NiCoCrAlYTa low pressure plasma sprayin | |
,ugg milano
NiCoCrAlYTa low pressure plasma spraying coating microstructure and oxidation resistance theshapememoryeffectofFe-· Mn · · Si-· Cr-Nialloys [J] _Mater. Sci. Eng. , 2004, A50 (4) :441-444. [I2] Wen Yuhua, tight, Li Ning. Fe-Mn-Si-Cr-Ni shape memory alloy TRANSFORMATION OF CONSTRAINED resistance in situ analysis [J]. Materials Science, 2004,40 (1): 72.76. Tin (Continued from page 112) (4) 900 ~ C static air oxidation,ugg italia, the coating can form a stable oxide film, single crystal nickel-based alloys can not form a stable oxide film. Oxidation resistance of the coating matrix alloy than good. References: [1】 DianaTom, WaltrautBrandl, UweKoster. StudiesonthetransientstageofoxidationofVPSandHVOFsprayedMCrAIYcomings [J]. SurfaceandCoatingsTechnology ,jordan shoes,1999,120-121 :8-15. [2】 ZhaoLidong, MariaParco, ErichLugscheider. Highvelocityoxy-fuelthermalsprayingofaNiCoCrA1Yalloy [J]. SurfaceandCoatingsTechnology ,2004,179:272-278. [3】 Li Meiheng. Single crystal superalloy corrosion and high temperature thermal barrier coating mechanical properties of some [D]. Changsha: Hunan University, 2003. 【4] ZhangYJ, SunXF, ZhangYC. AcomparativestudyofDSNiCrA1YcoatingandLPPSNiCrA1Ycoating [J]. MaterialsScienceandEngineering, 2003, A360 :65-69. [5】 [6】 【7] [8] [91】 【1O HermanH, SampathS, MccuneR. Thermalspray: currentstatusandfuturetrends [J】. MaterailResourceSocietyBull, 2000.25 (7) :17-25. Daida Huang, Zhouke Song, Yuan Zhenhai. Surface technology of modern science [M】. Beijing: Metallurgical Industry Press. 2004.141-151. EvansAG, Wilshaw. Quasi-staticsolidparticledamageinbrittlesolids. Pt. 1. observations, analysisandimplication [J]. Acta. Metal1. , 1976,24 (10) :939-956. RaffaitinA, MonceauD, AndrieuE, eto1. Cyclicoxidationofcoatedanduncoatedsingle-· crystalnickel - basedsuperalloyMC2analyzedbycontinuousthermogravimetryanalysis [J】. Acta. Materialia, 2006, (54) :4473-4487. TaylorR,air jordans, BrandonJR, MorrellP. Microstructure,ed hardy, compositionandpropertyrelationshipsofplasma-sprayedthermalbarriercoatings [J】. Surf. Coat. Techon1. , 1992,50:141.149. Teng Cheong light, Deng Chunming, Liu Min, et al. Atmospheric and low pressure plasma spraying of alumina coatings [J]. Materials Engineering, 2008, (5) :48-56. Tin 116HotWorkingTechnology2009, Vo1.38, No. 14 相关的主题文章: stivali ugg Pressure Shot 35 Steel Surface nanocry ugg stivali 1Cr17Ni2 steel heat treatment process and properties _842 ugg stivali Spiral bevel gear 20CrMnTi appear roun |