1. 凭我一个人振兴相声?不可能,也就起一震动的作用。
2. 流氓会武术,谁也挡不住。
3. 好么!这飞机跟大发一样, 摇玻璃的!
坐大发、 夏利不给报
天津没大发了 都倒腾美国去了
4. 铁岭到美国还差好几站地呢!
5. 郭德纲:"诸葛亮。"
6. 你无耻的样子很有我当年的神韵
7. --文顺,拿的什么?
8. 你要舍得死。我就舍得埋。
9. --是一假牙
10. 上学不是料,追梦没追成,找一女朋友还是一斜眼儿。活着没意思,自杀死不成,天上掉横财又送回银行去。(《我这一辈子》)
Many years ago there lived an Emperor who was so exceedingly fond of fine new clothes that he spent vast sums of money on dress. To him clothes meant more than anything else in the world. He took no interes
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