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scarpe fred perry Uniform B -spline curve subdivis |
Uniform B-spline curve subdivision formula for the efficient
Department of type, which lead to the rapid uniform B-spline subdivision formula, apply this formula can be quickly generated on a computer uniform B-spline curve. The results of geometric intuition is strong, clear the old and new control points corresponding to enrich the uniform B-spline curve drawing method; This result can also change parameters of the subdivision scheme for the establishment of a reference to better local control of the breakdown curve. [1] 【Reference】 AidedDesign, 1978.10 (6) :350-355. [2] LOOPC. SmoothsubdivisionsurfaceasedOiltriangles [D]. Utah: UniversityofUtah, 1987. [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [1O] [11] [】 2] [13] CATMUILE, CI-ARKJ. RecursivelygeneratedB-spline [34] surfacesonarbitrarytopologicalmeshes ~ J]. ComputerCOHENE, IYCHET,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], RIESENFELDR. DiscreteB-sp1inesandsubdivisiontechniquesincomputer-aidedgeometricde-signandComputerGraphics [J]. ComputerGraphicsandImageProcessing ,1980:14:87-110. IANEJ, RIESENFEIDR. Atheoreticaldevelopmentforthecomputergenerationanddisplayofpiecewisepolynomialsurfaces ~ J]. IEEETransactionsonPatternAnalysisandMachineIntelligence, 1980,2 (1) :35-46. CARETTAAS, DAHMENW, MICCHELIICA. Stationarysubdivision [J]. MemoirsoftheAmericanMathe-maticalSociety ,1991,453:1-186. Luo Yanlin, WANG Guo-Zhao. Generate stable subdivision of rational curves [J]. Applied Mathematics ,1998,13:61-66. DYNN. Subdivisionschemesincomputer-aidedgeometricdesign [C] / / Advancesinnumericalanalysis. Oxford: Clar-endonPtess, l992 :36-1O4. Qian Shan Hua, Shi-Rong Ge, Wu Zhaohong. Expanded uncertainty factor is included in the determination of [J]. College of Science,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], 2005,16 (2) :112-115. Zhouyou Ying, Lu Huijuan. Resampling of the image matching and surface fitting methods [J]. China Institute of Metrology, 2006,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych],17 (4) :310-314. Qi Xi. Bezier curves based on the character deformation [J]. China Institute of Metrology, 2001,12 (suppl.) :167-169. Ding Yongsheng, the Li Hong, He Yanbo, et al. A second uniform B spline subdivision algorithm [J]. Computer Engineering, 2008,34 (12) :58-6O. Wangguo Jin, Guo-Zhao Wang,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], Zheng Jianmin, a. Computer-aided geometric design [M]. Beijing: Higher Education Press,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], 2001:1819. GOIDMANR. Pyramidalgorithms: adynamicprogram-ruingapproachtocurvesandsurfacesforgeometricmodel-jng [M]. Calif: MorganKaufmann ,2003:406-408. MAWY. SubdivisionsurfacesforCAD-anoverviewEJ]. Computer-AidedDesign, 2005,37 (7) :693-709.
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