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stivali ugg Sports consciousness of Urban Resident

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stivali ugg Sports consciousness of Urban Resident
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Post stivali ugg Sports consciousness of Urban Resident
Urban Residents in the investigation and analysis of sports consciousness

Venue for ordinary people, the degree of openness, universal fitness trails in the community,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], will help city residents to participate in fitness activities enthusiasm. Urban Residents in the sports consumption level is still relatively low, the main consumer of sports in kind. Households owned general equipment, sports equipment is still the main current, which is the economic situation of Taiyuan, the public and the personal income on people's consumption concept. Physical fitness of those departments should develop strong capital investment less consumption of items of sports for the general public. [1] section of Kin Chi, Peng Jianmin. New Development of Mass Sports in China [J]. Xi'an Institute of Physical Education, 2001,18 (4) :28-29. [2] Tian Pu. New development of mass sports in China Situation and Trend [J]. Sports Culture Guide 2003,1:5-7. [3] Yang Yunlin. On Motivation Fitness Characteristics and Countermeasures [J]. Sports, 2002, l :44-4 | 6. [4] Fan Wenjie,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], et al. Chongqing Sports Life Survey and Analysis [J]. Sports and Science, 2002,19 (3) 72-77. [5] Xu Hao, et al. Ordinary residents of Jiangsu Province,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], aged 20-69 and analysis Sports Life [J]. Sports and Science, 2002,23 (2) :33-35. [6] Wang Qiyan, Zhang Weihong, Gongjiang Hui. Time allocation of urban residents living [M]. Beijing: Economic Science Press, 1999. [7] into the public priesthood. Social Sports survey methods and data processing [M]. Beijing: People's Sports Publishing House,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], 2002. (Continued on 319, Continuedinpage319) Vol 27 No. 4 Wang Chi-mao: the new rural cooperative medical system in Shanxi Choice 319TheChoiceofNewRuralCooWANGZhi-mao (schodofChemicalandBiologicalEnsineering, TaiyuanUniVersity0fscienceandTechnology, Taiyuan030021, China) Abstract: shanxinewrumlcooperativemedicalsystemshouldbeanon'balancedytemode ¡¤ Dmerenc0lmtysh0uldch0osed Shan erentmode, thefirstkindofpoorareascouldchoosethemodeofwelf. plusmedalas roar anc?; thesecondkind0fec0nomicallydevelopedaloft8shouldchooserisk'we] fareplust0wnmedicalinumncemde:. th. tIlirdkind0fmiddle. developedareasshouldchooserisk-we] faremode; thefourthkindofunderdeel knock edregionscouldchooseriskmode. Keywords: ShaI1) ¡¾irural, medicalcooperation, modechoicej '} bamboo mat j'} j '} j'} j '} j'} j '} j'} (p. 314 are connected, Continuedformpage316) SurveyandAnalysisontheAthleticsConsciousnessofUResidentsinTaiyuanGA0Yuan (DepaItmentofPhysicalEducati. N, TaiyuanUniVersityofScienceandTechn0l0gY , Taiyuan030024, China) status. somesuggestionsandcountermeasur ~ sareputforward ¡¤ Keywords: urbanresidents,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], athleticsconsciousness, analysis ~ a roar Association Soft _l; mm l made a mountain _l _i ¡í what a lie delete = to music _l;. One. In former times one by one were i gamma = h ridicule


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